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Dragon Ball Super BROLY OST

Welicak94 · 516

Van mreže Welicak94

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    • Zmajeva Kugla Epizode Online
poslato: Jun 26, 2019, 22:49:09

Ovo je kompletna kolekcija OST-a (Original Sound Track) filma Zmajeve Kugle Super: "BROLI". Kolekcija ima 33 numere.

01 - Birth of Freeza’s Army (2:37)
02 - Ruled by Freeza (1:29)
03 - Broly’s Potential (1:44)
04 - Paragus’ Rage (2:01)
05 - Dragon Ball Super: Broly Theme (0:37)
06 - Broly on the Frontier (0:44)
07 - Freeza’s Scheme, Premonition of Death (2:34)
08 - Bardock Falls (4:49)
09 - CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA (2:01)
10 - Vegeta’s Irritation (1:00)
11 - The Adventure Begins (2:00)
12 - Bulma’s Wish: Another Five Years (1:04)
13 - Freeza’s Wish: Another Five Centimeters (3:19)
14 - The Wild Child, Broly (2:01)
15 - An Unexpected Bounty (1:50)
16 - Broly’s Sorrowful Situation (1:04)
17 - Memories of Bah (1:59)
18 - Freeza and Broly (1:06)
19 - Broli Begins to Battle (5:13)
20 - Awakened Power (3:33)
21 - Kakarrot VS Broly (3:12)
22 - Broli Evolves (3:30)
23 - Prelude to a Comeback (2:41)
24 - Broli’s Rage and Sorrow (2:57)
25 - Will They Fuse?! (1:54)
26 - The Birth of Gogeta! (0:54)
27 - The World in Danger (1:06)
28 - Broly VS Gogeta ~ Theme Song (3:58)
29 - Omen of Battle (0:38)
30 - Full-Force Kamehameha (2:28)
31 - Freeza’s Ambition (0:56)
32 - Friendship with Broly (1:13)
33 - I’m Kakarrot (1:32)

MP3 | FLAC (170/756MB)