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GT OST by Mark Menza

Welicak94 · 244

Van mreže Welicak94

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poslato: Decembar 15, 2017, 02:45:31

Kompletna pozadinska muzika iz GT serijala od Marka Menze.

Kolekcija se sastoji iz dva CD-a. Niže imate link za preuzimanje svih numera izjednom (u ZIP arhivi).

Lista numera:

1. Goku vs. Uub (1:18)
2. Eyecatchers (0:14)
3. Recap #1 (1:32)
4. Suspense (1:30)
5. Pan Sneaks Through M2 (1:36)
6. Giru's Inuguration (1:41)
7. Planet M2 Robot Factory (1:45)
8. Sigma Force Assault1 (1:23)
9. Faceoff on Planet M2 (1:31)
10. Sigma Force Assault2 (1:13)
11. Baby on boad (1:31)
12. Dereliction (1:29)
13. Flight for Life (1:27)
14. Baby Possesses a Victim (1:26)
15. Baby Snatchin' (1:11)
16. Retrieving the Seven-Star Ball (1:43)
17. Hercule's Intro (0:48)
18. Saving the people of Eearth (1:34)
19. Tuffle Planet Reborn (1:37)
20. Sugoro's Game (1:39)
21. Sugoroku Space Collapses (1:19)
22. Uub Challenges Baby (1:12)
23. Uub fights Baby (1:06)
24. Uub Struggles (1:00)
25. Buu's Goodbye (1:45)
26. Majuub is Born (0:51)
27. Battle on the Tuffle Planet (1:31)
28. Baby Vegeta Standoff (1:45)
29. Super Saiyan 4 Goku (1:41)
30. Drained of Power (1:44)
31. Saiyan-Tuffle Scuffle (1:19)
32. Recap #2 (1:14)
33. Baby's Theme (1:29)
34. A Little Help From A Friend (1:43)

1. Trials of Goku Jr. (0:58)
2. Hero's Legacy 1 (0:56)
3. Hero's Legacy 2 (0:46)
4. Hero's Legacy 3 (0:49)
5. The World Martial Arts Tournament (1:23)
6. Vegeta's Late Entrance (1:26)
7. Kid Goku vs. Frieza and Cell (1:25)
8. Super Android 17 Theme 1
9. Android 18's Agony (1:38)
10. Super Android 17 Theme 2 (1:04)
11. Super Android 17 Theme 3 (1:47)
12. Opening the Portal (1:36)
13. Return of Saiyawoman (1:46)
14. The Shadow Dragons Arise (1:32)
15. Tale of the Shadow Dragons (1:24)
16. Haze Shenron's Theme (1:18)
17. Underwater (1:44)
18. Rage Shenron's Theme (1:32)
19. Battling the Five-Star Dragon (1:49)
20. Rage Powers Up (1:07)
21. Princess Oto (1:10)
22. Hurricane Spin! (1:18)
23. Mole Escape (1:27)
24. Naturon Shenron's Theme (1:49)
25. Pan's Absorption (1:26)
26. Naturon Reverts to True Form (1:42)
27. Clash with Omega Shenron (1:31)
28. Dragon Brawl (1:23)
29. Shenron's Final Wish (1:46)
30. Remembering Past Events (1:32)
31. Dragon Ball GT Credits (0:34)

Preuzmi ZIP (237mb)